Mobile friendly sites, web applications, client tools, database architecture and services are just some of the tools we build. Our software development team can customize your very own application to meet your business needs. Below we list some examples of applications / projects we have brought to life.

Online Collaboration Tool (OLCT)

MHSi has built a world-class web based (mobile friendly) online collaboration tool for our customers.  The tool allows plants to recommend packaging plans to suppliers.  Suppliers use the website to initialize their plans and gain approval from MHSi along with the customer.  The tool has been successful by saving our customers millions of dollars due to packaging efficiency and packaging material.

The tool connects to a SQL Server database and is mobile friendly so you can use it while on the go.  Key features of the OLCT application include:

  • Ability to perform approval / rejection in real time
  • Package plan creation
  • Package plan photo storage
  • Document storage

The tool is used by over 5k different suppliers and continues to grow each and everyday.

Packaging Plans Approved


Plants Using OLCT


Contact Us

Get in contact with us and we can mock-up, create a specification, prototype, and put your customized application into a production environment.

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